DTS News

What We Are Doing

For media inquiries, contact:
Stephanie Weteling
[email protected] 

March 4, 2025

Maps on the Hill Exhibiting the Latest Mapping Techniques in Capitol Rotunda

Utah’s 13th annual Maps on the Hill exhibit will be occurring on March 5, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the Utah State Capitol Building Rotunda.  Maps on the Hill, a free annual event, is a great way to learn how current mapping technology is being applied to important issues across a wide range of disciplines including economic development,
February 13, 2025

Easing the Burden: How the Utah Labor Commission is making things easier

Tyler Whitacre, CX Champion, Utah Labor CommissionLouise Schenk, Manager, Statewide Customer Experience A workplace injury, a wrongful termination, navigating complex regulations—these situations are stressful enough without the added burden of complicated paperwork. The Utah Labor Commission understands this and is taking significant steps to ease that burden through a major digital transformation. The Commission often interacts with the public during
February 10, 2025

Increasing access to benefits  in the Utah National Guard

“It’s not about the money.” In exit interviews, Guard members repeatedly said the compensation wasn’t driving their choice to leave. But what was? Leadership in Utah’s National Guard could clearly see retention dropping, but only had a scattered picture of what was driving that attrition. They came to Utah’s Customer Experience team with the idea of a cohesive survey. With
February 5, 2025

Taking the Guesswork Out of Car Registration: DMV Fee Estimator

For most people, buying and registering a car is a significant expense, and navigating the associated taxes and fees can be stressful. Whether you meticulously budget every dollar or simply worry about having enough to cover the costs, uncertainty about these fees can add unnecessary anxiety to the process. Unlike a simple sticker price, the cost of registering a vehicle
February 3, 2025

Empowering Utahns: How DHHS is transforming digital access to vital services

Imagine a single parent, struggling to make ends meet, desperately needing support for a child with special needs. If they can’t easily navigate Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) websites to find information about early childhood programs, they may be forced to choose between providing for their family and staying home to navigate services within the healthcare system.  Or,
January 27, 2025

Enhancing Transparency: BOPP’s Commitment to Open Communication

What happens after a judge hands down a sentence? The period following a court sentence can be fraught with uncertainty and anxiety for everyone involved. For offenders and their families, a lack of understanding about the Board of Pardons and Parole’s (BOPP or Board) processes can make it challenging to prepare for hearings and understand their sentences. For victims and
January 21, 2025

From Feedback to Fixes: Addressing Key Pain Points in Utah’s Login

UtahID is a cornerstone of Utah’s digital infrastructure, providing citizens with a single, secure login for a wide range of state services. From obtaining professional licenses and applying for benefits to searching for employment opportunities, UtahID streamlines access to vital resources. As one of the first states to implement a unified login system, Utah has been a leader in digital
January 21, 2025

Elevating State Services: GovOps Listens and Improves

David Dyches, Deputy Director, Department of Government OperationsMichelle Brown, CX Champion, Department of Government OperationsLouise Schenk, Manager, Statewide Customer Experience From renewing a driver’s license online to accessing critical social services, every interaction a citizen has with state government relies on a network of essential operations working behind the scenes. These operations–managing human resources, finance, technology, and more–are the responsibility
November 25, 2024

Joe Jackson named State of Utah Chief Technology Officer

DTS is thrilled to welcome Joe Jackson as our new Chief Technology Officer! Joe brings a wealth of experience and a proven track record of success to the role, having served as our Chief Enterprise Architect for the past two years. During his time at DTS, Joe has consistently demonstrated innovative thinking and a deep commitment to improving government services
Featured image for “DTS Employees Receive Public Safety Partnership Award”
November 25, 2024

DTS Employees Receive Public Safety Partnership Award

Chelsey Burns, Chris Maughan, Pam Greenspon, and Travis Workman were honored at the 2024 Department of Public Safety awards banquet with a partnership award. The award was given for their success in implementing the Domestic Violence Lethality Assessment Tool that law enforcement uses to help determine the potential danger a victim may be in, gather crucial data needed for study