Removing MFA options

UtahID Help

    Removing SMS / Email 2FA option

  1. Sign in

    Go to, opens in a new tab​ and sign in to UtahID.
  2. Select Security - On the Left

    Select the Security​ link on the left, ​scroll down​ to the Multi-Factor section and click Disable Email/SMS Two Factor
  3. Activate the Toggle Button

  4. Click Submit

    You have successfully disabled Email/SMS Two Factor from UtahID.

    Removing UtahID Authenticator 2FA option

  1. Sign in

    Go to, opens in a new tab​ and sign in to UtahID.
  2. Select Security - On the Left

    Select the Security​ link on the left, ​scroll down​ to the Multi-Factor section and click Remove the UtahID Push Authenticator from my UtahID
  3. Enter your password and click Continue

  4. Click Submit

    The app is removed and you are logged out and taken back to the login page.

    You have successfully removed the UtahID Authenticator Two Factor from UtahID

    Removing YubiKey 2FA option

    Note: if removing YubiKey you may also want to remove YubiKeyOTP, with the next section when completed with this on.

  1. Sign in

    Go to, opens in a new tab​ and sign in to UtahID.
  2. Select Security - On the Left

    Select the Security​ link on the left, ​scroll down​ to the Multi-Factor section and click Remove WebAuthn Device
  3. Select Remove the Device from my UtahID

  4. Enter Your Password and Click Remove

    The device is removed and you are logged out and taken back to the login page.

    You have successfully removed the Yubikey from UtahID

    Removing YubiKeyOTP 2FA option in UtahID

  1. Sign in

    Go to, opens in a new tab​ and sign in to UtahID.
  2. Select Security - On the Left

    Select the Security​ link on the left, ​scroll down​ to the Multi-Factor section and click Yubico OTP Device
  3. Select Remove the Device from my UtahID

  4. Enter Your Password and Click Remove

    The Yubico OTP is removed and you are back to your account maintenance page.

    You have successfully removed the Yubikey OTP from UtahID