
UtahID Help

    Setting up an account to use Yubikey in UtahID

    These are the steps to select the 2FA option for Yubikey

    Prerequisite note: This process requires that you have a Yubikey 5 series or equivalent token before you begin this process.

  1. Sign in

    Go to https://id.utah.gov, opens in a new tab​ and sign in to UtahID.
  2. Select Security - On the Left

    Select the Security​ link on the left, ​scroll down​ to the Multi-Factor section and click ​Add new factor.
  3. Click Continue

    You will be automatically signed out so the registration of a new factor can happen when you sign in again.
  4. Sign into new UtahID session

    Your session restarts and you are again prompted to ​sign in to UtahID
    Enter your Username or Email and Password.

  5. Scroll down and select Security Key to register your token

  6. Insert the token into your USB and activate by pressing the token

  7. Select Yes​ to register the OPT function for your Yubikey.

  8. Touch the Yubikey to register your token for OTP

    Touch the Yubikey to register your token for OTP (one time passcode) function. After you touch the Yubikey you will be redirected to Profile/Account Information.
  9. Click on Security (on the left) and then Multi-factor

    Click on Security and then Multi-factor. There will be ten OTP recovery codes automatically generated to be used as a one time use at a later time. Click WebAuthN Device​
  10. Click Rename the Device

  11. In the New Name field type Yubikey then enter password and click Rename

  12. Click Back. Your registration is complete.

    Registration is now complete. You will be required to use the Yubikey token for all future logins.